Image: Get-PCInfo Screenshot

Like so many tools, this one was born out of necessity. I needed a quick function to retrieve the model number, serial number, RAM, and OS Bit-level on over 200 workstations. After a bit of head-scratching, I came up with this PowerShell function.

Get-PCInfo is compatible with PowerShell 3.0 or higher. It accepts a hostname, IP, or CSV list as input and gathers information using primarily WMI (which means it may require elevated access). It then outputs a Powershell object that can be piped to cmdlets such as Out-Gridview or Export-Csv.

This is a work-in-progress and I plan to extend it to optionally check the status of services and include much more workstation information. Currently, it provides the following information:

  • System Hostname (locally configured hostname)
  • System Model Number
  • Last logged on account
  • Full name of Last logged on account (via domain lookup)
  • Amount of Physical Memory
  • Operating System Bit-level
  • System Serial Number

Local workstation with Format-List

PS C:\> Get-PCInfo | format-list 'Hostname','Model','Serial','RAM','OS-Bitness'

Hostname   : TT-WS1716
Model      : HP EliteDesk G1 SFF
Serial     : SFF7D9A56B2
RAM        : 8GB
OS-Bitness : 64-bit


Workstation list with Format-Table

PS C:\> Get-PCInfo -list ~\pcinfo-list.csv | Format-Table *

Input               Hostname   Model                Last-Acct  Last-User    RAM   OS-Bitness  Serial       Error
-----               --------   -----                ---------  ---------    ---   ----------  ------       -----
localhost           TT-WS1716  HP EliteDesk G1 SFF  BKENOBI    Ben Kenobi   8GB   64-bit      SFF7D9A56B2       AD-WS2544  HP EliteDesk G1 SFF  LORGANA    Leia Organa  4GB   32-bit      SFF127A4C24
deathstar           ---        ---                  ---        ---          ---   ---         ---          The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)  Y4-SV5433  HP Proliant G7 RFF   HSOLO      Han Solo     32GB  64-bit      RFF9C0FE892


Workstation list with Export-Csv

PS C:\> Get-PCInfo -list ~\pcinfo-list.csv | Export-Csv ~\pcinfo-export.csv
PS C:\>

More Examples can also be found in the get-help documentation included in the function as well.

You can download Get-PCInfo.ps1 here or copy and paste the code below into a PowerShell window.

<# .SYNOPSIS Used to gather workstation details from local and remote workstations. Accepts Hostname, IP, or a CSV list as input. Can also be used with cmdlets such as Out-Gridview or Export-Csv to process output. .DESCRIPTION Gathers and formats workstation details acquired primarily through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Compatible with Powershell 3.0 or higher. Provides the following workstation information: - System Hostname - System Model Number - Last logged on account - Full Name of Last logged on account - Amount of Physical Memory - Operating System Bit-level - System Serial Number .EXAMPLE Get-PCInfo Input : localhost Hostname : TT-WS1716 Model : HP EliteDesk G1 SFF RAM : 8GB OS-Bitness : 64-bit Serial : SFF7D9A56B2 Error : none .EXAMPLE Get-PCinfo | Format-list * Input : localhost Hostname : TT-WS1716 Model : HP EliteDesk G1 SFF Last-Acct : BKENOBI Last-User : Ben Kenobi RAM : 8GB OS-Bitness : 64-bit Serial : SFF7D9A56B2 Error : none .EXAMPLE Get-PCInfo -list ~\pcinfo-list.csv | Format-Table 'Hostname','Model','Serial','Error' Input Hostname Model RAM Serial Error ----- -------- ----- --- ------ ----- localhost TT-WS1716 HP EliteDesk G1 SFF 8GB SFF7D9A56B2 none AD-WS2544 HP EliteDesk G1 SFF 4GB SFF127A4C24 none Y4-SV5433 HP Proliant G7 RFF 32GB RFF9C0FE892 none .EXAMPLE Get-PCInfo -list ./workstation-list.csv | Export-csv ./output-pcinfo.csv PS C:\>  

    Date: October 2016
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Brian C. Brookman
    Copyright Brian C. Brookman 2016

Function Get-PCInfo( $pc="localhost", $list=$null) {

  #Setup the properties that will be selected in the default output object
  $defaultProperties = @('Input','Hostname','Model','RAM','OS-Bitness','Serial','Error')
  $defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultProperties)
  $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)

  #Codeblock which collects PC info and stores them in variables
  $GetInfo = {
    $cs = Get-WMIObject -class win32_ComputerSystem -computer $pc       
    $os = Get-WMIObject -class win32_OperatingSystem -computer $pc
    $RAM = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_PhysicalMemory -computer $pc | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum
    $bios = Get-WMIObject -class win32_bios -computer $pc

    $lastlogon = Get-WMIObject -class win32_UserProfile -computer $pc | Sort-Object -Property LastUseTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    $UserSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($lastlogon.SID)
    $lastuser = $UserSID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).value.split('\')
    $domain = $lastuser[0]
    $user = $lastuser[1]
    $lastusername = ([adsi]"WinNT://$domain/$user,user").FullName
    if ($lastusername) { $lastusername = $lastusername.ToString().Trim('{','}') }

  #Codeblock which creates and calls output object
  $Output = {
    $outputobject = [pscustomobject]@{
      'Input' = "$pc" 
      'Hostname' = $cs.Name
      'Model' = $cs.Model
      'Last-Acct' = $lastuser[1]
      'Last-User' = $lastusername
      'RAM' = ([math]::Round($RAM.Sum/1GB)).ToString() + 'GB'
      'OS-Bitness' = $os.OSArchitecture
      'Serial' = $bios.SerialNumber
      'Error' = "none"

    #Add previously defined properties used in default object ouput
    $Outputobject | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers

    #Define a typename that can be used with a format.ps1xml file to override default formatting


  #Codeblock which creates and calls output object for when exception occurs
  $ErrorOutput = {
    $ErrorObject = [pscustomobject]@{
      'Input' = "$pc" 
      'Hostname' = "---"
      'Model' = "---"
      'Last-Acct' = "---"
      'Last-User' = "---"
      'RAM' = "---"
      'OS-Bitness' = "---"
      'Serial' = "---"
      #Set Error property to the exception encountered, the current item in the pipeline.
      'Error' = $_

    #Add previously defined properties used in default object ouput
    $ErrorObject | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers

    #Define a typename that can be used with a format.ps1xml file to override default formatting


  If (!$list) {
    . $GetInfo
    & $Output
  } elseif ($list) {
    Get-Content $list | Foreach-Object {
      $pc = $_
      Try {
        . $GetInfo
        . $Output
      } Catch {
        #If any exception occurs, stop processing and record no data for the current PC.
        #Assume that if an exception occurs for one GWMI cmdlet in $GetInfo, the same exception will occur
        #to all GWMI cmdlets in the $GetInfo codeblock.
        . $ErrorOutput

- Brian Brookman


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